Sustaining Foundation
We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.
~Winston Churchill
The Ruby Valley Healthcare Foundation is a 509(a)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization that is dedicated to enhancing and supporting the Ruby Valley Medical Center, which provides quality healthcare to area residents and visitors. We develop and manage private support to assure the Ruby Valley Medical Center's financial integrity and high level of professionalism, helping fund programs, services, and medical equipment. Our philosophy on giving, from inception to today, is that any gift, no matter the amount, is always appreciated.
In the early 2000s, the Administrative Board of Directors of the Ruby Valley Hospital realized the need for a supporting, non-profit, charitable organization to enhance its mission. In 2006, the Hospital Board created the new foundation, set up its identity and structure, and then reached out to the community to fill the Board of Directors. The original Foundation Board included Byron Bayers, John Benedict, Les Gilman, Kassie Marsh, and John Stimson.
Typical of most rural hospital foundations, our beginnings were humble. We didn’t have an office or staff, but we did have a wealth of dedicated community volunteers. A gift of $500 from Dr. Warren Swager made it possible for us to open our first checking account. Throughout the years, we have received hundreds of generous donations from community members and beyond, who appreciate the value and necessity of having a foundation to support the hospital and medical clinic.
The needs of our healthcare organization are ongoing. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the Ruby Valley Healthcare Foundation and the Ruby Valley Medical Center. Our success is not possible without you!

Nancy W.
The hospital is strikingly beautiful inside and out, and so very thoughtfully planned. The Quiet Room is as lovely a space as we had hoped. The new furniture is just right, the location perfect for its function and I know Doug would have been proud to have his name associated with the hospital and this particular room, as are all of our family. I can’t think of a better memorial for him than that.
Ted is one of the best RN’s I have ever had care for me. I’m in this hospital a lot. When I come in and see that Ted is working, I feel a little less anxious. He has gotten me through really bad news and made me smile when I had been in tears. He truly sees a person he is to take care of and he does take very good care of his patients, with a smile.
Chris M.
I was having a heart attack during a hunt in the Ruby Valley and was taken to the medical center where the staff there rushed to do all they could preparing me for a medical flight to Bozeman hospital. They were very kind and professional. I’m very thankful for the life saving care I received there.
RVMC Patient

Neil & Gloria B.
Thank you to each of you for all you do to keep us safe-Healthy-and living in this beautiful Ruby Valley!!!
Chad B.
I recently visited RVMC as a perspective employee, and was thoroughly impressed by the quality of care and the quality of people I saw working there. Unfortunately, it didn't work out for the position I applied but I still feel compelled (to donate) because of how strongly I feel about the organization and the people I met during the whole process.
RVMC Patient
When I had to come back the second time I was nervous, but you and the whole staff made me better, I pray to stay that way too! P.S. Nice to see CoCo!

RVMC Patient
Both Colby and Lisa could tell that I was having a very difficult time both with how ill I was and how frustrated I was with being ill and in the hospital so much. They both took care of me, interceded with my doctor on my behalf, and somehow made me laugh instead of cry. Truly not an easy job.
We often wish we didn't need medical care; however, we are glad when we do-thank you to our wonderful staff at the Ruby Valley Medical Center.
RVMC Patient
Rebecca is a great RN. I know that I will be cared for with the highest level of professionalism. I found out that Rebecca and Miranda work as a team that will also go beyond their nursing care of me as a patient and do their best to cheer up a frustrated and very worried patient. They were going to make me happy even if it took a little singing and dancing!

Richard C.
What a great facility!! Went in for an injection in back. The professional, friendly, care I received was amazing. Sheridan is truly blessed to have such a great facility. I would highly recommend it!!